Men at war assault squad 2 modern battlefield 2
Men at war assault squad 2 modern battlefield 2

Russian airborne forces continue their assault throughout the East Coast, clashing with U.S Forces in places such as Virginia. The surprised attack caught the United States off guard, as U.S Forces initially were overwhelmed when Russian Ground Forces along with the Russian Navy took control of the U.S most populous city of New York, using it as staging ground. This was in retaliation for the massacre at Zakhaev International Airport, in which they believe the CIA was the perpetrator. The initial conflict began when Russia launched a surprise invasion of the United States.

men at war assault squad 2 modern battlefield 2

General Shepherd would serve as the architect of starting the war, and unknowingly spearheading Makarov's grand plans, who was true mastermind, pulling the strings behind the scenes. Becoming disillusioned with the world, Shepherd sought to start a conflict between the United States and Russia as revenge. This event warped General Shepherd's morality. One of these events was the detonation of a nuclear weapon in the Middle east, causing the deaths of 30,000 US marines under his command in the Middle East.


In his desire for Russia to return to its former glory and dominating the western hemisphere, Makarov orchestrated a series of events which shaped geopolitics in his favor. Prior to the the conflict, Ultranationalist member and terrorist Vladimir Makarov spent years amassing power and influence, whose ruthless reputation quickly spread far and wide. It involves many of the great western powers as war broke out between Ultranationalist Russia and the NATO countries including the United States of America, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Canada, the Czech Republic and Italy. World War III (abbreviated WWIII or WW3, also referred to as the Third World War) was a conflict that spans across Europe, all the way to the American continent. Just the will of a single man." - Vladimir Makarov " It doesn't take the most powerful nations on Earth to create the next global conflict.

  • Couple hundred of Sierra Leone Militia.
  • All of Russia's Navy invasion fleet sunk or heavily damaged.
  • Shadow Company private military contractors suffers heavy losses before it is eventually disbanded.
  • All of Europe and East Coast heavily damaged.
  • men at war assault squad 2 modern battlefield 2 men at war assault squad 2 modern battlefield 2

  • Thousands of civilians massacred by Russian troops during the occupation of Europe.
  • Thousands of anti-Russian Ultranationalist partisans in invaded countries of Europe K.I.A or executed.
  • London, Paris, Rome, Madrid and many other major cities of Europe contaminated by chemical warfare.
  • White House and Washington Memorial heavily damaged.
  • Tens of thousands of NATO soldiers and thousands of European and American civilians.
  • Shadow Company private military contractors
  • Australian Army Special Operations Command (best soldiers were part of Task Force 141).
  • 427 Special Operations Aviation Squadron.
  • Canadian Special Operations Forces Command (best soldiers were part of Task Force 141).
  • Metropolitan Police Service (Scotland Yard).
  • men at war assault squad 2 modern battlefield 2

    Vladimir Makarov killed and Inner Circle dissolved.Ĭommanders Unnamed President of the United States.Task Force 141 dissolved but later reorganized.Independence of European countries occupied by Russia restored.Peace and Friendship between the United States, Russia and NATO increase after the establishment of the Ultranationalist-Loyalist coalition government.Relations between United States, Russia, and NATO develop into friendship and peace.Loyalist leaders re-join the Russian government and make coalition government with Vorshevsky's government.Conflict ultimately ended by peace treaty. Conflict suspended by ceasefire from August 17th to October 6th.

    Men at war assault squad 2 modern battlefield 2